Donald Abenheim collection, 1951-1999


Donald Abenheim collection, 1951-1999

Serials, clippings, bulletins, and photocopies of speeches and reports, relating to post-World War II German military history, and especially to the West German army. In part, used as research material for the Ph.D. dissertation of D. Abenheim, "A Valid Heritage: The Policy on Military Tradition in the Emergence of the Bundeswehr, 1950-1965" (Stanford University, 1985). Includes drafts of the dissertation.

154 manuscript boxes, 1 oversize box, 7 slide boxes; (62.7 linear feet)



SNAC Resource ID: 6660077

Hoover Institution Archives

Related Entities

There are 2 Entities related to this resource.

Abenheim, Donald, collector. (person)

Germany (West). Heer (corporateBody)